Three Things: Cooking, Baking & Muay Thai

Three Things

I’m pretty sure my life would be complete if all I did were these three things. Why?

Cooking: I find it therapeutic, relaxing. It also reminds me of home & family. I love cooking for others. It’s an amazing way to connect with people. It’s how I keep my diet clean. 

Baking: Because what’s life without a little bit of sweet? It’s my creative outlet. It makes people happy. And, it can be quite a challenge. 

Muay Thai: I get an amazing workout, guaranteed. It’s a stress outlet. It teaches you discipline and patience. It’s not just burning calories & building muscle, it’s also a skill. At the right gym, you are surrounded by an amazing community of people. 

Lately all I have wanted to do is bake things, so I’ve decided to try some new inventions:

1) S’more Cookies – and not like the packaged crap, totally legit ones. And, yes, I am going to try to put a healthy spin on them

2) CAKE. My roomie’s birthday is coming up and I am making her whatever she wants. Perhaps chocolate with raspberry filling a white icing. Or white cake with strawberries and vanilla cream. The possibilities are endless! One thing is certain- it’s going to be crazy decorated.

3) Another attempt at the perfect gluten-free, vegan peanut butter cookies 🙂

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