Tag Archives: fitness challenge

Pushing the Limits: A Half Marathon Experience

This post is way over due.. It’s been just over a month since I completed the NYC United Airlines Half Marathon on March 15th, and I have to say it was the hardest, most rewarding experience of my life. Not only was I able to contribute to the $77,000+ raised for the Michael J. Fox Foundation (THANK YOU TO ALL THE AMAZING PEOPLE WHO DONATED!!), I also learned the true meaning of “pushing the limits”.

I started training for the race about a month before the big day. This meant no Muay Thai or Luta Livre, just strictly running. I was traveling for work, so most of my running was done on a treadmill, alternating 10k and 5k days. I ran outside as much as possible, especially when I got back to New York.

I have to say I was pretty naive about the whole thing. I had never ran 13.1 miles before and for some reason I thought that if I could run half the distance and feel okay, I could run the whole thing and be fine- really tired, but fine. My time estimate was 2:15:00. I finished in 2:12 and some change (including 2 bathroom breaks). My overall running time being about 2:01:00.

So, I got one thing right; however, the physical experience was nothing I could have imagined. Around mile 9, I literally thought I was not going to be able to finish. Everything hurt, even my insides. I was nauseous, dizzy and about one gust of wind from falling over. I have to say, when you feel your body reaching a breaking point, it’s hard to keep your mental game.

Usually when I’m running, I make lists, ponder quantum physics theories, analyze a dream I had the night before, day dream about the cute guy I met the other weekend-whatever. It helps me pass the time like a movie. At mile nine- there was nothing. All I could do was focus on the facts, which weren’t very positive or motivating. As I came up on a girl who was walking, I was tempted to join her defeated march until I saw her body lurch painstakingly back into a jog almost as pitiful as mine. At that moment I knew that if I was going to finish this race, I couldn’t stop. I held onto that fact, that one not-so-negative fact, and it kept me going- so much that I sprinted the last 2 miles (and didn’t die).

Now that I am back into my regular routine of training, I have noticed that I can push myself further. Mental blocks that once existed are no longer present. Yes, I still get tired and rest, but not as frequently. Running the NYC Half helped me discover what my true abilities are, how much is mind over matter. I now have a new perspective of my physical tolerance and it has changed my training for the better.

I’m not saying we should work out until we pass out or injure ourselves, but my experience has personally affirmed that you don’t know your limits until you reach them. That being said, I am committing myself to two “seemingly impossible” fitness challenges a year. Who wants to join?

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My Fitness Challenge

Did I mention I’ve been doing a fitness challenge?? Yeah, since about the end of November.

A good friend of mine from North Carolina decided he wanted to get back in shape, so I proposed a challenge as motivation.

The deets: we each set our own personal goals to reach in three month’s time (February 22nd) to be exact. The person who reaches their goal (or the closest) wins. My goals are basically summed up in the picture featured below.

I will admit, at the time, I had the upper hand as I was already deep into my training, but to my defense, my friend has testosterone on his side so, I don’t think my head start will have much of an influence.

So, everything has been going great so far. We’re both progressing and I’m really excited about my friend’s rekindled motivation. The only problem occurred last week when I contracted laryngitis. It knocked me out for a week and now I can’t seem to get back in the horse. I’ve been weight training, but my lingering congestion makes me want to avoid all things Muay Thai / cardio. Needless to say, I’m not doing enough if I intend on annihilating my friend in this challenge.

I need to suck it up a go because let’s face it, waiting to be 100% better is like waiting for the G train… it ain’t gonna happen.

Today is going my first day back at Ultimate Gym. No exceptions. Boom.


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