Tag Archives: fitness

And we’re back!

I can’t remember the last time I posted something.. Which means I’ve been busy… Which is good. 🙂

1- I got a position doing freelance cad and tech design, which should hold me over for a little while.
2- I tried jujitsu with a friend and it was AMAZING. I really love it and, assuming I can come up with the funds, I want to start taking legit classes.
3- My fitness and health experiences over the past week or however long it’s been have opened my eyes to natural athleticism and body weight training. This is definitely something I want to pursue. But I love lifting.. Agh I don’t know! To be continued…
4. My roommate just got me a class at cooking institute in the city to learn how to decorate gluten free/vegan/healthy cakes!!! I’m so excited. One step closer to my dream 🙂 she also got me this super awesome chef’s hat:


Green is my power color.

5. I made a bacon spinach cottage cheese quiche with GF oatmeal crust. Nom.


6. My abs looked like this this morning:


Beach body here I come!

7. Did I mention we got a new roommate!?!?!? She’s from NC and she’s amazing and loves fitness just like me and Zeo. #trifecta

8. My birthday is tomorrow!!!!!! I’ll be 23. I’ve been waiting for this birthday since I was 18. This is my year.

9. Fun fact: In my world Girl Scout cookies are calorie-less. Nom nom nom

10. Life is beautiful.


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and welcome to my personal memoir. This is me at a glance:

1) I was born and raised in New Jersey, lived in North Carolina for 8 years.
2) I am 22 years old
3) I work in the fashion industry in New York City
4) I just got fired
5) Yes, I’m happy about it
6) I am writing this blog purely for my own personal reference/motivation. If it happens to inspire or help anyone in the process GREAT. If not, I guess I’m not living life to its fullest.. or nobody really cares.
7) I view life through a technicolored lens. Every moment is an opportunity and every opportunity can lead to something magical. 
So, now that everyone is up to speed, here’s what you can find in this memoir:
1) Workout/nutrition tips
2) My adventures in NYC
3) Great food/restaurants/recipes
4) Some philosophical shit
5) Anything else that I deem worthy of this memoir
P.S. I don’t smoke cigarettes.
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