Tag Archives: half marathon

My First Half Marathon

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I have officially signed up for the NYC United Airlines Half Marathon on March 15th. My first ever– yikes!

Not only will I be running for the personal challenge, I will also be running for the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. The opportunity to give back to others through one of my biggest passions (all things fitness) is extremely exciting.

When signing up for the 2015 NYC half, I chose the MJF Parkinson’s foundation for two reasons, the first being that its cause has a personal tie to my family. My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in his early 60s and has been struggling with this terrible disease for almost 20 years. The pain and sadness it has brought on himself and my family is nothing I would wish for anyone.

My second reason for choosing the MJFF is because the physical effects of Parkinson’s disease have a deeper meaning to me. A huge part of my training involves agility, stability and proper, controlled form. The thought of losing my motor skills and balance makes me feel for those who have lost these abilities, but also motivates me to perfect my form.
For the next 32 days I will be posting my training efforts / diet / and other miscellaneous running factoids here and on my instagram ( @red_rumson ). Feel free to send any tips!
My goal is to finish this half marathon in no more than 2 hours. Here we go.
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