Tag Archives: Recipe

Banana Bread Pancakes: The Recipe

Due to the increased number of requests on Instagram and Facebook, I now present the detailed recipe for my gluten-free, dairy-free Banana Bread Pancakes. Preface: I literally just threw some ingredients in a bowl, so these measurements are more “guesti-ments” than anything. I have added some “what if” advice below, but honestly, how hard is it to mess up pancake batter??

Banana Bread Pancakes


3/4c. Ground Gluten-Free Oats

1/3c Almond Milk

3 Tbsp Egg Whites or 1 egg

1 tsp Vanilla Extract

1 Tbsp Coconut Oil, extra for cooking

1 tsp Baking Powder

1/2 tsp Salt

2 Tbsp Stevia

1-2 Super Ripe Bananas, mashed or sliced

1/2c. Chopped Walnuts

“What If Tip”: If batter is too thick, add more almond milk. If batter is too thin, add more GF oats.


1) In a large bowl mix gluten-free oats, almond milk, egg/egg whites, vanilla & coconut oil until well blended. Add baking powder, salt & Stevia. Fold in banana and walnuts.

2) Heat 2 Tbsp of coconut oil in a frying pan or skillet over medium heat.

3) Pour batter into pan to form pancakes of a size to your liking. Once the pancakes begin to bubble, flip and cook for a few more minutes until golden brown.

Personally, I think these pancakes taste great on their own, but if you really want to go above and beyond, here are some add-ons:

Add Ons:

  1. Can’t have enough banana walnut? Slice a banana and/or sprinkle extra walnuts on top.
  2. Super sweet tooth? Pile some vanilla almond-based ice cream on top
  3. Chocolate cravings? Add some dark chocolate chips to the batter OR make your own chocolate sauce with almond milk, coco powder, stevia & coconut oil.
  4. My personal favorite? Vanilla almond-based ice cream with bananas fosters (rum, coconut oil & banana), drizzled with homemade chocolate sauce. Go big or go home, right?

Enjoy! 🙂

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What happened to week 5? -Wait pie!?

Oops.. If it’s any consolation, I did in fact complete my 5 week Muay Thai challenge and have continued training four times a week since. My updates are below.

Now, onto more exciting news…. PIE🙂 🙂


Being the start of fall aka pie season, I thought it only fitting to make a gluten-free, butter-free almond plum pie with an almond butter crust. And when I say butter I mean the nut butter- not almonds and butter.


Ingredients include the following:

Crust: crunchy salted almond butter, coconut oil, stevia, egg whites & gluten-free flour blend, vanilla extract

Filling: Plums, chopped almonds, crunchy salted almond butter, egg whites, coconut sugar, cinnamon

One thing I love about pie is that it is incredibly easy to make healthy/clean -and it’s fun to eat :p So, you can expect to see a plethora of sweet and savory pie recipes in the weeks to follow. “Excited” doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel right now 😝


Muay Thai result analysis:

– My punches and kicks are stronger
– My obliques are as well
– My muscular endurance has improved
– The people I train with are awesome

– My abs are not as strong as they used to be
– I’ve lost mass in my shoulders, despite gain in strength
– Though still fit, I’m not as lean as I used to be

In the end of the day, I love training Muay Thai. Period. Since that’s not going to change, I want to bring back some weight training into my weekly routine. So here’s the plan:

Monday: Boxing
Tuesday: Muay Thai
Wednesday: Weights: upper body
Thursday: Muay Thai
Friday: Rest Day
Saturday: Muay Thai
Sunday: Weights- lower body

Give me two weeks for trial and I’ll get back to you.

Until next time!

-Red Rumson

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“Healthy” Reese’s Mounds

As promised.. A RECIPE!


What are these delectable, orgasm-in-your-mouth treats? I call them Reese’s Mounds Aesthetically, they aren’t perfect, but hey- perfect is sooo last season.

I wouldn’t necessarily consider these treats to be super healthy, but they are certainly better for you than store-bought (assuming you can resist eating the remaining jar of peanut butter).

On to the good stuff…

– 1/2c Natural Peanut Butter or PB2 or Better n’ Peanut Butter
– 1/4c stevia or other sugar substitute
– 1/4c Coconut sugar
– Dash of salt
– 2 Tbsp Coco Powder
– 2 Tbsp Coconut oil
– 2 Tbsp Agave

1) Mix together PB, stevia, coconut sugar and salt
2) Roll dough into 1″ balls
3) Freeze for at least 45 min
4) Melt coconut oil in saucepan
5) Turn off flame and stir in coco powder and agave
6) Dip frozen balls in chocolate sauce and replace in freezer for at least 10 min

I poured the excess chocolate sauce over the mounds- hence sloppiness- because it’s that good.

And that’s it! Prepare your tastebuds because you have probably never had anything so close to a real Reese’s Cup before 🙂


– Red Rumson

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Oh my! A recipe: Healthy Peanut Butter Banana Pancakes


I have struck gold- according to my taste buds at least. Saturdays I have Muay Thai training @11am, so it is no surprise I found myself in need of some serious sustenance this beautiful afternoon. Protein? Yes.. Peanut Butter? A must.. Let’s make it chewable.. Pancakes? YES.

Now, I’m not going to be one of those bloggers that writes a novel before you get to the good stuff so here it is:

Heathy Banana Peanut Butter Protein Pancakes:

  • 1c. Gluten Free Oatmeal, ground (or other GF flour)
  • 4 Tbsp Egg Whites
  • 1 Tbsp Almond Butter (or Peanut butter if your want to get really PB crazy)
  • 1 Banana, sliced
  • 1/4 tsp Vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1/2 – 1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
  • Stevia to taste
  • Almond Milk to consistency
  • Low sodium Better N’ Peanut Butter or Natural Peanut Butter


  1. Mix all ingredients, except almond butter and PB together. You can choose to leave your bananas chunky or puree them.
  2. Slowly add almond butter until batter has a soup-like consistency
  3. Heat 1-2 Tbsp olive oil in a frying pan. Once hot, turn to medium heat
  4. Pour batter into pan to make roughly 5″ diameter pancakes
  5. When pancakes start to bubble, flip and let cook for 2-3 more min
  6. Top with peanut butter. I used an icing bag, but for those who are without, a knife will do.
  7. Serve with a Peanut Butter Mocha Protein Shake and your life will be complete 🙂


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