Tag Archives: vegan cinnamon rolls

Gluten-Free, Basically clean, Mocha Cheesecake

I think it’s about time I acknowledge that I have a problem. An “unnecessary baking” problem. This weekend my roommates went on a couples retreat with their boyfriends, leaving me with an empty apartment. And, while I do relish the rare solitude, I also found myself with absolutely nothing to do.. Solution: I baked vegan cinnamon rolls AND gluten-free cheesecake purely for the sake of occupying my time. That, and I happened to have some cream cheese left over from making cream cheese icing.

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Gluten-Free Vegan Cinnamon Rolls

But, this is not where the problem lies. The problem is, I didn’t have anyone to share them with. Granted, the vegan cinnamon rolls were a little too strange for me to consider sharing.. I like eggs in my pastry dough, thank you. Though, I give major props to the baker who invented the recipe. On the other hand, my cheesecake came out much more delectable, in my humble opinion, and I would have been happy to share the love. I guess sharing the recipe will just have to do! As always, I made this recipe up as I went along so, these measurements are approximate. I recommend tasting the batter before baking.. Here are the details:



1 1/2c. Gluten free oats, ground

1/4c. Brown sugar (or stevia with 1/2-1 Tsp molasses)

1/4c. Stevia

1 tsp. Ground Cinnamon

5 Tbsp. Coconut Oil


8oz. Tofutti Mock Cream Cheese

8oz Neufchael Cheese

1/3 c. Stevia

2 Tbsp. Agave

2 Eggs

1c. Fat-Free Greek Yogurt

2 Tbsp. Espresso Grounds

1 Tbsp. Coco Powder (add more if you want it to be more chocolaty)


1) Mix crust ingredients in a bowl and press into a 10-inch springform pan

2) Bake at 350 F for about 7 min. Allow to cool while mixing filling. Keep oven at 350F.

3) In a large bowl, mix together cheeses, stevia & agave until creamy.

4) Beat in eggs one at a time.

5) Stir in Greek yogurt, espresso grounds & coco powder until blended well. This is the part where you taste test! :d

6) Pour batter over the cooked crust and shake pan to spread evenly.

7) Bake for 20-25 min. or until center jiggles slightly

8) Let cool for about 20 min then store in refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

Makes 8-10 servings.

Gluten-Free Cheesecake

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