Tag Archives: weight traing

Here we go…

It’s officially cutting season and when I say ‘cutting’ I mean getting ripped. The good news is, there’s not much I need to change about my diet and exercise, as it’s already part of my lifestyle. This is how I plan on transitioning from bulking to cutting:

1) Switch from high weight, low rep to low weight, high rep
2) Cardio three days a week post workout. This could be a one mile sprint, 5k run, or jumping rope for 10 min
3) Egg whites instead of eggs. I will certainly miss eggs, but I’ve got some awesome egg white recipes that I’m super excited to try 🙂
4) No desserts (weddings, birthdays, etc are exempt)
5) Only 2 drinks per week. I’m not much of a drinker so this shouldn’t be an issue.
6) All meals must be consumed before 8pm.


Muay Thai and weight training have helped me discover what my body is truly capable of. It’s an incredible feeling. Making these activities and healthy eating a part of my lifestyle has improved many parts of my life, physique aside, which is why I am so dedicated to what I do.

I don’t want to get cut because I feel like I have to. I want to get cut because I want to challenge myself, push myself to be stronger. If I didn’t , what’s the point?

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