
Stress: How to Chew Your Progress Away

Stress meme

Stress is probably the emotion my body is most sensitive to. At its worst I can experience minor hair damage, migraines, and sleep loss, etc. I can even gain 5lbs of fat while maintaining the same diet and exercise regiment. FML.

What stresses me out the most? Money & my job(s). Money because I live in New York- enough said. Job(s) because one of them is in production (aka logistic and operations).

When I look back at the past year and a half I would have to say my most fit and happiest point was summer 2013 when I was merchandising part-time and bar tending. Everyday was a ball of sunshine, stress-free, easy. I was probably making somewhere between $30k – $35K (less than my current salary- the irony). Now, I am not saying that I want to be back in those positions. This is only evidence that my job(s) are a major culprit when it comes to my sanity.

The good news is, I don’t plan on doing what I am doing for the rest of my life. The bad news: If left unmanaged in the meantime, it is totally going to mess up my Muay Thai challenge and future progress. Which cannot happen.

Mind Tools has a good article on stress in the work place. The author provides methods of stress management based on three different approaches. Imma try it. Check it out for yourself if you wish: Managing Stress

In my opinion, the mind is the most important “muscle” when it comes to fitness and health. It can be your best friend one day and your worst enemy the next. Keeping it positive and stress-free is key 🙂

Fitness Challenge- GO

Progress photo July2014

Some of you may know that I have be doing some Muay Thai training on the Saturdays for the past couple/few months. This past weekend I made the decision to commit to training 3-4 days a week for the next 4-5 weeks. Muay Thai is by far the most physically intense training I have done to date so, I am super excited to see how I progress over this time period and compare my results to those from my weight training.

The Plan: Every week post progress picture and recap all diet and exercise for that week.

Yesterday was day one. Wish me luck!

~ Red Rumson